Admissions Criteria/Process


Our purpose in evaluating students is to ensure an appropriate fit in the intended class and grade. Our program is one that is active and engages inquisitive students with limited opportunities for supporting IEP's or major educational issues. With our emphasis on character, our expectations of behavior are high, particularly classroom behavior, as no student has the right to negatively impact the learning experience of others. 

The process is as follows;

  1. After touring the school or visiting an open house, the family of a prospective student must submit a completed application form, accompanied by a copy of the student's birth certificate and a fee of $150. (This includes the evaluation fee)
  2. The student will then be scheduled for an evaluation to assess grade level readiness/appropriateness.
  3. The application and evaluation forms will be forwarded to the appropriate administrator for decision, which will be one of three options:
    • Accept - the student is qualified to attend Hillcrest Academy and shows promise of not only benefiting from, but also contributing to the school community. To hold this place, a $500 non-refundable registration fee is due when enrollment is offered.
    • Wait Pool - The student meets all the criteria for successful admission, but no place is currently available. The school will contact the prospective family once a suitable space opens in the class or grade level.
    • Non-Accept - the student does not meet all the criteria for a successful match at this time.